If you’re looking to enhance your product offering, GPGT is here to bring your team the best motorsport travel packages with competitive commissions. As one of the most flexible tour operators on the sports-travel space, we offer fully bespoke packages to meet your customers needs.
Quality & Security
GPGT scores “Excellent” on all customer feedback. Click on the links below to see more:
Not only are our customers happy, but they are financially secure. All flight packages are covered by ATOL and all non-flight packages are covered by ABTOT bonding.
Packages & Flights
With a complete inventory of F1 and MotoGP products (circa 40 events annually), your clients will have a wide range of options in terms of price, location, and date.
If you don’t have your own ATOL, feel free to use ours. We can also offer (non-commissionable) flights on all our packages.
Dedicated B2B Portal
Becoming a GPGT Travel Partner gives you access to a dedicated pricing portal which is updated daily. The portal will include the following for each event:
- Hotel options
- Tickets options
- Package inclusions/exclusions
- Payment schedule
- Commission % and amount for the package combination selected
Simplicity & Service
Once a booking is taken, mutual communications between our partners is well supported. They or their client will receive their respective confirmations and next-steps. Our partners also receive their commission notification. Final Instructions (including event tickets) are sent 1-2 weeks before departure. At any point before departure your dedicated sales representative will be on hand to help in any way they can.
If you are a travel agent, and would like to offer your clients any of the products you see on our website, simply contact us using any of the methods outlined below. Our sales team will be in touch to provide you with standard B2B agreements and access to our dedicated Pricing Portal.
Support & Training
Once a partner is onboarded they will receive the following:
- Dedicated sales-person as a primary point of contact
- Comprehensive training session on our system (though this should not take too long)
- Cheat-sheets and training materials
- NB: as we provide extensive pre-trip information (such as circuit navigation information), we require guest email and mobile number pre-departure.
Register Below to Access Our B2B Portal